Updates and releases

Only $1.00 for a .date, .faith, or .review domain

Last month we announced that .date, .faith, and .review were entering the GoLive phase, and we suggested that these extensions would be great for lovers of commitment: commitment to a relationship (.date), commitment to a religion, or just anyone really (.faith) and commitment to self-improvement (.review), but we have been informed that for some reason many people have an irrational fear of commitment.

Well, we hope that just mentioning the word didn’t scare those of you who fall into this category off this page, because we have good news for you. These three extensions: .date, .faith, and .review are all available now for literally the lowest possible dollar commitment we can imagine: just $1.00 per year. We commit more to a Thursday happy hour beer than the financial commitment involved in purchasing one of these domains until Tuesday October 13 at 8:00 AM PDT. So why not give it a shot?

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:
